Eros y Ambigüedad

multimedia solo exhibition at Revuelta Queer House (MX), July/August 2023
at Galeria Luis Adelantado (MX), May/June 2023

„Bajo la luz de la luna, en las olas de nuestra playa, 24.09.2021

I had to look at In Memory Of George Dyer over and over again - I always wondered about Bacon‘s motive for placing his lover‘s dead body on the left, and centering Bacon himself, entering the hotel room where he would find the horror - the sight of the corps must have been a relief in face of the prior terrifying uncertainty - the unbearable foreboding, but not knowing. There is nothing more cruel in the world than to find oneself lost before the fear that one‘s most beloved might have deserted one. I ask no more -- No one should stand in front of that door. In most profound recognition.“


A multimedia exhibition by Swiss artist Severin Hallauer on the intimate experience of an amour fou between cultures, the change of perspective, the attempt and failure, the violence, the obsession, the loss of self and the terrible silence in the face of the threat of death.

In works in a variety of media, the artist intimately confronts the experience of his first great love, which Hallauer encountered unexpectedly in Mexico and which has significantly influenced his life in his new adopted country.

The show created between 2021 and 2023, consisting of installation, sculpture, painting, photography and video, emerged from a strongly process-oriented practice that takes up aspects of performance as one of the media that characterize Hallauer‘s work.
